MK Initiatives
Partnership with Pei Tong Primary School
In MK@Pei Tong, our students will be invited to visit and participate in events conducted in Pei Tong Primary School. The children will participate in activities such as Art Week, Total Defense Day display, movie screenings at the school library. Through this partnership, the children will be familiarised with the primary school environment and are able to explore through a variety of activities outside MK.

MK @ PT Library
As part of our MK Reads! initiative, we have set up a physical library for MK children to visit. We have a variety of age-appropriate books of different genres and Mother-Tongue languages.
Through this initiative, we hope to instil love and joy in reading in our children. Parents who have donated preloved books during our book drive have also been included in our collection.

K1/K2 Level Day
Our MK Level Days are held bi-weekly for our respective levels. During Level Days, children will interact and learn alongside their peers from other classes. Outdoor games, music and movement and learning of values (i.e. kindness, honesty, care, responsibility and respect) are some of the activities children are engaged in during our Level Day.

Parent Support Group
Children learn best when significant adults in their lives (teachers and parents) work together to support them. This bridges the gap between home and school and enhances children’s interest and motivation in learning.
At MK@PT, our Parent Support Group (PSG) aims to foster a closer collaborative relationship between families and the school. Parents volunteered in event preparations, sharing sessions and various activities.