Safety and Security
A caring and safe environment is important to enabling all students to have a positive school experience. The safety of our students is the joint responsibility of all.
1. Rules and driving into the school
Parents/Guardians are allowed to drive in and alight their children/ward at the front porch only in the morning up to 7.25 am.
For pick up at dismissal time, parents/guardians are requested to park at the HDB carpark and pick up their children/ward near Gate A, Gate B or Gate D.
Parents/Guardians can only drive in to pick up their children/ward on rainy days, 30 minutes after dismissal time.
Parents/Guardians are to observe the speed limit of 15 km/h inside the school compound.
Parents/Guardians are allowed to drive in and pick up their children/ward who are unwell during school hours.
2. Advice to students walking to the school
Students can enter the school either by Gate A, Gate B or Gate D in the morning on school days.
Students should use the walkways and cross the road only at the zebra crossing or traffic lights. They should refrain from using mobile phones or electronic devices when crossing the road.
In the school, students are not to walk across the car park. They have to use the designated walkways.
3. Regulations/Rules on travelling on the school bus
Students are to put on seat belts at all times.
Students are to follow safety instructions from the bus attendant
4. Policy on school visitation
All walked-in visitors (including parents/guardians) are to enter the school using Gate A.
Upon entry, visitors are to the register at the Security Counter located in the foyer immediately.
Security Passes will be issued, and these have to be prominently displayed at all times while you are in the school compound.
Unless authorised, visitors are not allowed to park their vehicles in the school compound.
For safety and security reasons and to minimise disruption during lessons, parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the teaching blocks at all times.
No parents/guardians, relatives or any members of the public will be allowed to remain in the school compound at all times without prior approval from the school.
5. Policy on students leaving the school compound before dismissal time
Parents/Guardians who wish to take their children/ward home before dismissal time for any valid reasons must inform the teachers.
Only parents, legal guardians, domestic helpers and authorised members above 18 years old, will be allowed to fetch the child and they are required to sign out for the child in the Early Dismissal Book at the General Office in person before leaving the school.
6. Medical Condition
It is important for the school to be updated with the latest medical conditions of our students where applicable. A medical update form will be issued at the beginning of the year for parents/guardians to update the school accordingly.Parents/guardians should also update the school of any new medical condition throughout the year.
If any child is down with infectious diseases; e.g. chickenpox, HFMD, H1N1 etc., parents/guardians are to update the school by calling the General Office so that follow up actions can be carried out where necessary. Students should be certified fit for school before resuming school.
7. Insurance Coverage
All students are covered under a basic insurance policy. Payouts of insurance will be subject to policy terms and conditions.
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