School Crest & Song
School Crest

The letters "PT" stand for Pei Tong ( 培童 ) which means nurturing the young.
In addition, the 'PT' stands for 'pupil-teacher' and 'parent-teacher' relationship where both parents and the school play an important role in nurturing a child to his/her fullest potential.
Lime green which represents 'progress' is used for the letter 'P' while turquoise which signifies 'transformation' is applied to the 'T'.
The use of these two colours makes the Pei Tong brand distinctive and proprietary.
School Song
Let us grow in strength and wisdom
With heart and soul, we do our best
We know for sure with good system
We will succeed when put to test.
Take courage friends for we are one
Respect one another honour our elders
Diligent stead-fast in all that we do
This is the path to a bright future.
To our school we all give honour
We learn and play in healthy ways.
Our country - we cherish and adore
We all pledge to be strong and true.
Take courage friends for we are one
Respect one another honour our elders
Diligent stead-fast in all that we do
This is the path to a bright future.
Music & Lyrics: Mr David K.S.Lim